The basis for a successful project is a clearly defined brief and set of objectives together with an in depth understanding of the Company, its situation and issues, people, organizational structure and operational processes.

By analyzing this information our creative team can produce various design solutions and cost options. We ensure the correct specification and placing of furniture to produce a harmonious environment that promotes health and safety, productivity and profit.

We plan in our Design Studios or on – site using the latest planning, 3D rendering and animation software, enabling our customers to clearly visualize our proposals. Our Sales and Design Consultants understand and advise on the International Standards, Health and Safety. We ensure conformity and promote best practice.

You will benefit from our extensive knowledge and experience. Our creative teams turn an interior into an enlivened environment. Our careful placement and specification of furniture, use of color, texture and lighting, stimulate thoughts, project a culture and encourage creativity itself.

Generally our design work is included within an associated fit – out and/or furniture proposal.

However, we also offer a design only service for the re-planning of existing interiors or for products supplied by others, all at competitive rates.



At MEDTEL WN we create professional environment through our nationwide design and build service. All aspects of interior refurbishment are provided including demolitions, partitioning, ceiling, floors, finishes and FF&E with close coordination with electrical, mechanical and data services.


We provide a complete turnkey design and build service. This ensures speed, efficiency and a seamless coordination between our trades. Our clients are provided with a full schedule of works that identifies each individual task and when it will be completed. This plan and timetable will keep you fully informed of all the works and cash flow associated with your project.


Alternatively we can operate solely as Contractors, pricing and carrying out works designed and managed by others, whether for a complete or partial fit – out project.


Our team of in house professionals possesses the technical and practical knowledge to provide a fully comprehensive turnkey service from design and inception, through to completion of works. Our Independence enables us to cost – effectively sources all material, specialist labor, fixings and fittings to achieve best value for our clients without compromise.


We understand, and provide solutions to your legal obligations, identifying risk, responsibility and ensuring compliance. We have a professional Health, Safety and Risk Management advisory and implementation service, which include CDM (Construction, Design & Management), Planning Supervision, Risk and Hazard Assessment.


Furniture plays a unique role. It stands at the interface between the premises, the organization, the people and their technology. Furniture can project a corporate image, help productivity and create a safe and pleasing environment to be in. We supply furniture solutions for residential, commercial and public environment.